Video of the Day: OK Go “You’re So Damn Hot”

This video is actually lazy and pretty unoriginal. It’s just recycled tour footage of the band singing the song with a bunch of gay flowers popping up for no reason in particular. The song, itself, however, is divine. It’s brilliant in that in a completely nonscientific way it totally explains how the male mind operates.

It’s a song about a girl who’s a liar and a cheater and from the sound of things is flat-out mean. But the lead singer can’t break up with her, in fact, he’s completely infatuated with her because, well, she’s “so damn hot.” This is the ethos of man in a two minute, 38 second soundbyte.

OK Go – You’re So Damn Hot from OK Go on Vimeo.

Casual fans of OK Go know them from their Youtube single-take video exploits on treadmills or more recently driving through a musical concourse that plays their new single. But back before internet fame, these guys were just a cool band that made funny songs that were hauntingly honest. Your girlfriend liked them because she didn’t really listen to the lyrics and they were clever.

It seems like with the creativity ante upped for the videos, the songs have lost a bit of panache, but I guess you can’t have it all.

What do you think?